Monday, August 22, 2011

Salt and Good Health

Salt is essential not only to life, but to good health. The National Academy of Sciences recommends that Americans consume a minimum of 500 mg/day of sodium to maintain good health. Individual needs, however, vary enormously based a person's genetic make-up and their lifestyle. While individual requirements range widely, most Americans have no trouble reaching their minimum requirements. Most consume "excess" sodium above and beyond that required for proper bodily function. The kidneys efficiently process this "excess" sodium in healthy people. Experimental studies show that most humans tolerate a wide range of sodium intakes, from about 250 mg/day to over 30,000 mg/day. The actual range is much narrower. Americans consume about 3,500 mg/day of sodium; men more, women less. The very large percentage of the population consumes 1,150- 5,750 mg/day which is termed the "hygienic safety range" of sodium intake by renowned Swedish hypertension expert Dr. Björn Folkow. Every substance, including water, can be toxic in certain concentrations and amounts; this is not a significant concern for dietary salt.

Most of our salt comes from foods, some from water. Doctors often recommend replacing water and salt lost in exercise and when working outside. Wilderness hikers know the importance of salt tablets to combat hyperthermia. Oral rehydration involves replacing both water and salt. Expectant mothers are advised to get enough salt. Increased salt intakes have been used successfully to combat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Dramatic deficiencies (e.g. "salt starvation" in India) or "excessive" sodium intakes have been associated with other conditions and diseases, such as hypertension and stomach cancer. Testing the salinity of perspiration is a good test for cystic fibrosis; scientists suspect that cystic fibrosis is caused by a deformed protein that prevents chloride outside cells from attracting needed moisture. Human blood contains 0.9% salt (sodium chloride), the same concentration as found in United States Pharmacopeia (USP) sodium chloride irrigant commonly used to cleanse wounds. Salt maintains the electrolyte balance inside and outside of cells.


Friday, August 5, 2011

Earth Salts bath salts & scrubs

Earth Salts Salt of the Earth line of bath salts was born from a desire to impact a large number of people on a body, mind, and soul level. We were aware of the cleansing, healing, nourishing properties of sea salt but were divinely inspired to delve further into the spiritual possibilities our bath salts could have on people. We discovered that the salt combined with ayurvedic essential oil recipes designed for each chakra worked to raise the vibrational frequencies of the chakra. This combination is two-fold; our salt blend draws out toxins and clears the electromagnetic field all while clearing and balancing the chakra.
Our hope and prayer with our products is to impact the universe in a healing, positive way and to provide an alternative to traditional medicine for true health and healing.
We are committed to make the best quality product we can; utilizing local suppliers and economically disadvantaged people, all while having minimal impact on the environment!

We use:
Utah Remond (Real) Salt - The salt we use is from a natural mineral sea salt that comes from a sea bed dating back thousands of years. This prehistoric deposit, in central Utah, has been tucked away, protected from modern-day pollution. This salt is extracted from deep within the earth, and comes to you in its pure, natural state--without additives, chemicals, or heat processing. The result is an all natural sea salt, rich in chloride, sodium, calcium, potassium, sulfur, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, iodine, manganese, copper, zinc and 50 other trace minerals.

Utah Remond bentonite clay – The grade of salt we use for our bath salts has a mixture of natural bentonite clay in it. This natural bentonite clay has 60 trace minerals and helps to detoxify the body.

Organic Jojoba Oil – We use organic jojoba oil from Purcell Jojoba International jojoba farm in Arizona. They are a leading pure natural organic jojoba oil supplier and understand the vital need of cosmetic companies to have a reliable supply of the highest quality ingredients. Jojoba oil has excellent antimicrobial properties and helps prevent the growth of fungal and bacterial infections in the skin. The wax esters in jojoba help make the skin wrinkle free and keep it youthful and glowing. Jojoba oil has the ability to maintain the balance of sebum present in our skin. It acts as an excellent skin moisturizer for any type of skin.

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil - For generations, primitive cultures have used coconut oil on their skin and in their hair as a natural moisturizer. In addition to its moisturizing and healing properties, coconut oil helps prevent protein loss in hair, helps protect skin exposed to sun from free radical damage, and helps skin absorb nutrients like Vitamin E. We buy extra virgin coconut oil that comes from Hope’s Harvest, a company that employs disadvantaged people in rural Kenya. Hope’s Harvest Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is completely natural and unrefined. Using a traditional cold-press process, their coconut oil is made from wild coconuts grown along the beautiful coastline of rural Kenya. Their oil is produced using the direct micro expelling method with the oil being produced in small batches, within one hour of opening a nut, where quality can be managed with great care. Hope’s Harvest is committed to cleaning up the earth by reducing waste. No part of the coconut goes unused when producing Hope’s Harvest Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, including the husks, shells and pressed meat. They are also committed to giving back to the environment, having facilitated a program where each time a visitor comes to Kenya to tour the facility; a new coconut tree is planted. Each person who begins work at the coconut oil plant also plants a coconut tree to represent a new life.

100% Pure Essential Oils – We only used essential oils that are certified 100% essential. Essential oils are the subtle, aromatic and volatile liquids extracted from the flowers, seeds, leaves, stems, bark and roots of herbs, bushes, shrubs and trees through distillation. The soul of a plant is its oil. According to ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and Chinese manuscripts, priests and alchemists were using essential oils thousands of years ago to heal the sick. They are the oldest form of medicine and cosmetic known to man and were considered more valuable than gold to the ancients. The ancient Egyptians believed that the sense of smell and ability to detect odors was the most important of our sensory abilities. The considered the sense of smell far more important than sight or even the ability to think. That was because they knew the importance of odors to increase our intrinsic "frequency" and transform us. Our Chakra line of bath salts uses ayurvedic oil recipes that are thousand of years old. The chakra blends nourish, balance and support the energy of each chakra.

Epsom Salts – Epsom Salts (magnesium sulfate) do wonders for you in a bath. They are best known for their ability to sooth sore muscles; this is because the magnesium sulfate is a muscle relaxant, draws toxins from the body, and is also a sedative and regulator for the nervous system. Epsom salts reduce swelling. They also act as a natural emollient and help exfoliate the skin. The magnesium also helps the body and mind relax because studies have shown that it raises serotonin levels (causing calm and mood-elevation), lowers blood pressure, and lowers the effects of adrenaline. Epsom salts, if used regularly (at least three times a week), can also elevate the body's energy level.

Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda) – Baking soda helps wash away oil and perspiration, and it also neutralizes acids on the skin. Baking soda is especially great for soothing skin rashes, and can even help chronic problems like eczema and psoriasis. It is also useful is its ability to drain the lymphatic system of toxins and disease.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Salt Water Baths

How would you like to enjoy a soothing bath and at the same time take care of all sorts of health troubles, such as skin problems—including acne—recurrent infections, insect bites, female problems, and even arthritis and rheumatism? It’s easy to do with a salt bath.
You don’t have to be sick to benefit from a salt bath. It is cleansing and health-building for anyone. Bathing with bath salts stimulates circulation, hydrates the skin, increases moisture retention, promotes cellular regeneration, detoxifies the skin, and helps heal dry, scaling, irritated skin. Salt water bathing reduces inflammation of the muscles and joints, relaxes muscles and relieves pain and soreness.
Bathing in seawater (and natural salt solutions) has a long history. Almost 500 years before the birth of Christ, Hippocrates, who is called the Father of Medicine, noticed fishermen who had injured their hands soaking their hands in seawater. They seemed to have few infections or complications from their injuries after the salt soaks. So Hippocrates encouraged his patients to bathe in warmed seawater in a treatment called thalassotherapy (thalassa in Greek means sea). This kind of bath encourages a release of toxins between the blood and the water and a restoration of mineral balance in the blood.
In a 1982 study in Israel, researchers found that soaking in salt baths gave arthritic people relief from pain and they had greater mobility after the treatments. Another study established relief from tendonitis. Yet another demonstrated relief from itching, problems with sleep, and skin scaling. Patients with recurrent infections have turned their health around with regular salt bathing. Research has documented relief from poison ivy, poison oak, insect bites, and wounds of various kinds.
Salt bathing works partly because natural mineral salts restore mineral balance via the skin. Medical research has long established absorption of medicinal factors through the skin. Natural salt contains many minerals, including magnesium, which helps the nervous system, relieves stress, and can relieve water retention. It also helps bring about a healthy calcium balance, which strengthens bones and nails. Sea salt also contains potassium, which you need for your blood after exercise, and which you need for moist, healthy skin and all-over energy. Bromides in the salt heal and relax your muscles. And of course you need the sodium for healthy immune system as well as for appropriate fluid balance in your body.
While salt bathing is relaxing and healing, it can also be challenging to your circulatory system because you are cleansing your blood while in the bath. Therefore if you have a weak heart or other heart problems, consult a doctor before taking salt baths.